Sunday, 04 September 2022, the day before Labor Day, is a warm sunny day, so a good reason to gather family and friends in the backyard for steaks, seafood, and wine. To open the day, we started with a side-by-side tasting of two Pinot Niro’s from Seabold Cellars , the same vintage but different vineyards (Fig 01). The wine was outstanding, and a follow-on post discusses everyone’s thoughts on the wine. The beef was one of the two main Entrees and weight in at about 12 Lbs. before grilling (Fig 02). McCall Wines Grass Feed steak and some mid-western corn-finished beef via Stew Leonards . Both grilled up fine and served medium rare (Fig 03). There was a very noticeable difference between the two, with a separate write-up to follow. The second entrée is a home concoction called a “bucket of shells” and is about 15 lbs of seafood (Thank you, New Wave Seafood ) steamed in white wine, garlic, and chorizo broth. Accompanyin...