The next and final pick-up was in June, and since there was only one, we added lunch and a tasting. The goal was to do a grab-and-go at Lieb Cellars , but regrettably, they were closed for a private event and could not hand off my club wine to me that day. Fortunately, we made other stops and found a new food and wine place to visit. We first stopped for lunch at On The Docks , a classic on-the-water place with a wide selection of menu items to satisfy everyone in our group. This is the first time we have stopped here, and we will provide a separate posting on how good everything was (FIG 02). Next was a full tasting at Clovis Point Vineyard & Winery , and a fine tasting it was with the details in an upcoming posting shortly (Fig 03). Lastly was a quick dessert stop at a North fork Classic – The Magic Fountain - for a generous homemade Ice Cream sundae (Fig 04). A great day with several discoveries which we will need to return...