Grilled Tuna dinner 15 June 2021

Summertime is here, and it is time to practice the art of grilling outdoors. Pan-searing tuna during the winter months has been a staple in this household but taking it outdoors raises it to a new flavor level. First, you need a magnificent fresh hunk of Tuna about one ¼ inch thick and a 1800 ⁰ F searing station as part of your Bar-B-Que. Searing the Tuna steak on each side for about 2 minutes will be fine and leave a nice, rare center. As each side of the Tuna turns golden brown, bast it with a mixture of Soy Sauce, Ginger, and Wasabi as a finishing glaze. Next, plate the grilled Tuna on 1/4lb of Seaweed salad complemented with a ¼ lb. of Italian holiday salad. The Tuna, Seaweed Salad, and Italian Holiday salad were all from New Wave Seafood . In about 15 minutes, you have a complete Seafood dinner. Enjoy. TUNA DINNER