Jo & Andy at Raphael's Vineyard Welcome to my blog on the first anniversary of its inception. Here you can follow me as Jo, and I explore mostly Long Island wines and spirits. Tasting wine is becoming a passion of mine in retirement 5.0 – that means I still work from home about one to two days a week if I am so inclined. I tend to favor reds, and Jo (my lifelong partner) favors whites. We will be exploring bourbons and other spirits offered up by the local distilleries in addition to wine. Of course, wine paired with food is even better, so you will find comments on food places we discover while exploring the wine country. I am an engineer by formal training, so that some wine comments will be technical and scientific. So far, we have made it to about a dozen wineries and distillers (becoming members at many), and as far as I know, we have about 70 yet to discover, along with almost 50 Oyster farms. In the meantime, I am start...